Discover Your Company's Culture & Climate Score

The R&R Culture and Climate Calculator is an assessment that will help you discover where your organization measures in the five major areas used to determine if an organization has a culture and climate that is welcoming, safe, and inclusive. Each area is teachable, observable, and measurable.

How Does Your Organization Measure Up?

The Culture and Climate Calculator will help you assess your organization’s strengths, as well as opportunities for growth. The assessment takes less than 10 minutes, and when you are finished you will have the opportunity to use results to guide your organization's professional development path and be intentional about future planning.


Your organization has the intention to solidify systems that address diversity, inclusion, as well as code of ethics; the areas of psychologically safe spaces and emotional intelligence may be areas where growth gaps exist. You may not have a clear indication of how to answer some of the questions in the survey, or your organization has work to do to improve the culture and climate. You are not alone. Your commitment to improve your organization's culture and climate is commendable and attainable.


Your organization has some systems in place that make a concerted effort to diversify, help employees feel Included, as well as address most areas within the organization’s Code of Ethics. You’ve created some psychologically safe work spaces and exhibit a sufficient amount of emotional intelligence. Your efforts demonstrate your commitment to your employees longevity with the organization, as well as overall well being.


Your organization has systems in place that more than efficiently address Diversity, Inclusion, as well as Code of Ethics. You’ve created psychologically safe work spaces and exhibit the amount of emotional intelligence to maintain a culture and climate that feels welcome, safe and inclusive. Your organization is committed to retain staff by investing in their growth and helping them feel valued. Your organization is committed to providing conditions comparable to your staff’s values for working and living.